Can I use a new calibration factor and apply it to the previous test I have already run and get the correct results?
Yes, you can.
Open whichever software program that you use and load the file for the test you had already run.
You will need to replace the calibration parameters (factor and offset) that are shown on the Calibration Summary with the new ones. There are two ways to do this: (1) delete the original values and type the new ones into the text fields or (2) copy and paste the new ones. For the second option, you will need to open a second copy of the software and load the test file that contains the new calibration parameters.
Save (using the Save or Save As option in the software file menu) the altered test file.
When you load that file again, the new parameters will have been applied to the processed data.
*Note: The raw data and the results of data reduction shown on the report pages will be changed. Information that was entered using the various Property Pages will not be changed.
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