
I used our calibrated gauge blocks to check our displacement sensor on the load frame.  It appears to give readings roughly one half the actual distances.  I double checked that the calibration factor (in/cnt) from the certificate you gave us is in both the load frame and the software (factor = 3.6498841x10-5).  Does this factor seem to be off by a factor of two, based on the other similar sensors you have calibrated?


The calibration factor is correct.  The problem you describe can be caused by an incorrect setting for the polarity of the displacement sensor.  It has to be Unipolar, not Bipolar.  Use the keypad of your machine LCD screen (see figure below) to make the change as described in the following steps.

  1. Use the arrow keys to select option 4, Setup, on the LCD screen.
  2. From the Setup options, select option 3, A/D Setup.
  3. From the A/D Setup options, select option 2, Channel 2.
  4. From the Channel 2 options, select option 2, Polarity.
  5. Of the two polarity options, select Unipolar.
  6. Finally, turn off the LoadTrac-II and then back on for the changes to take effect.

Should you have any issues with the installation of the network card or drivers, please open a ticket by clicking "New Support Ticket". 

Geocomp Support Team