PC Requirements

Computer should have the following specifications:

  • Dual core processor computer with Intel i-5 or i-7
  • Required ports;
    • For static systems: One PCI Express slot for GeoNET card
    • For cyclic systems:
      • One available PCI Express slot for GeoNET card and built in Serial port
      • OR
      • Two available PCI Express slots; one for GeoNET card and one for serial PCI Express host card
  • RAM: 8 GB (Minimum)
  • Hard Disk Space: 20 GB minimum free space
  • Administrative rights are required to install and update GEOCOMP Corp. drivers, control, and reporting software.

Operating System:

New Geocomp systems (2017 and newer) do NOT support 32 bit operating systems.

  • Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows 8 (64-bit) and Windows 10 (64-bit). 

Should you have any further questions, please open a ticket by clicking "New Support Ticket". 

GeoComp Support Team