• The battery on the control board can die over time. Due to dead battery the system will not be able to save any new information and it will set back to defaults settings. 
  • Indicators of the dead batter are as follows: 
  1. The following messages on the screen of your machine


       "System setup checksum failed..."

        "Reloding system setup defaults"

  2. The following messages on the software screen

     "LoadTrac ID 65 pressure reading is out of range."

      "FlowTrac ID 66 is not responding."

In the following section, you will see the steps on how to replace the battery on the control board of Version 4 systems. 

Below includes pictures of LTII, FTII, and STII. Pictures represent typical systems. 

  • Open the front panel of the LoadTrac, FlowTrac, or ShearTrac.

LoadTrac II

Flow Trac II

Shear Trac II

  •  Find the battery on the control board

The battery is a very simple battery and you can buy it from any electronics stores. You can get either a CR1216 or BR1216.

  • After replacing the batteries on all the units, turn them on and check the settings using Diags or Diags.com20 software:

a. Run Diags and enter the Node ID in Controller tab.

b. Go to file\settings

c. Enter the settings in the following section and press apply.

d. Reboot the system (turn the unit off, wait for 10 seconds and turn it back on).

  • It is suggested to get your system calibrated after replacement of the battery.


ShearTrac II

LoadTrac II

LoadTrac III

FlowTrac II


You can also find the same instructions in the attached document.